WP CRM Settings The Main Tab

This tutorial will cover the options present under the ‘Main’ Tab in WP-CRM Settings.

Main Table of WP-CRM settings contains the following options:

General Settings

Replace default WordPress User page with WP-CRM

WordPress already comes with some basic user management functions. If checked, WP-CRM expands on those functionalities by allowing you to organize your users using custom attributes, find them using filters, and keep track of correspondence.


Allow user accounts to be created without an e-mail address

If checked, this option will allow user account creation even when there is no email address associated with a user.

Disable default WordPress password reset e-mail notification

WordPress will, by default, notify you whenever one of your users resets their password. If the number of users you have is considerable high, it means that every time any of them reset their password, you will be notified via email. If checked, this option will disable the default WordPress password reset email notification. This will ensure that you will not be bothered every time one of your users changes their password.

Do not automatically convert line breaks in outgoing contact messages

If checked, does not automatically convert line breaks in any of your outgoing contact messages.

Track detailed user activity.

You will see user’s activity on edit single user page.

Allow Attributes Grouping

Attributes will be grouped on edit single user page.


Standardize Display Names.


Change email Settings

Default sender e-mail address settings. If you are not using SMTP, it is advisable to use a @your_site.name email address to avoid being spammed.
